From working with media to holding events for their clients, PR consultants are the ones in charge of the overall image of an institution. They can generate attention, interest and acceptance to corporate brands by bridging the gap between internal and external perception. A successful PR consultant is prepared to take risks and is constantly searching for new innovative and creative ways to give their clients access to the media.
Public Relations Consultant's Stories

Lolo Sianipar, Founder and Director of Piar Consulting said PR is all about building and maintaining the company's reputation and brand image. There is little to no room for errors and mistakes, thus attention to detail is one of the most important characters as a successful PR Consultant. You also have to able to maintain fast-past communication with your clients to adopt changes and challenges.
Meet Harry Deje, the Public Relations consultant of H+K Strategies Indonesia who mostly create the creative strategists and also play a role as a managing director. He had shared his story and journey of being passionate in communication and strategy from his high school years until today. Check Harry’s story to find out more about his stories and journeys!
Explore Other Persuader (Enterprising) Professions

"I do this job for the passion and the excitement of doing something I love together with supporting work colleagues that have the same hobbies and passion as me.", said Rini Damanik @rinidamanik, Operational Manager at St. Ali Jakarta @stalijakarta. To be an excellent barista, you don’t only need to make the best coffee out there but also being able to maintain a good relationship between the customers and the internal team as well. "I started from Lombok and there were not many specialists there, I have to learn everything myself and get out there to reach my dreams.", said Rini. Knowing what your passion can sure help you drive your motivation for your future.
Meet Vena Kresnan (@venakresnan), an event organizer and one of the three Co-Founders of DAMN! Inc (@damninc). She has the honour and responsibility of organizing events, which requires the team to work and think outside the box together and also the personality & the vibe of the team are not that rigid. Although she graduated from UGM’s Pharmacy, she now successfully builds a successful company that not only does Event Organizing, but also artist management and movie production.
"Being a diplomat means expect the unexpected, you have to be ready to be assigned in whichever role to represent our country and to bring honor in the name of Indonesia. You get to see the world with different perspective.", said Dias Kinanthi @diaskinanthi, an Indonesian Diplomat working in Directorate General of Social Culture. As diplomat, she has to represent, negotiate, report, manage and protect the integrity of Indonesia and its citizen. In that department, she works with a lot of international organisation such as WHO, ILO, and UNESCO.
"A film is a communication media, a platform for directors to express what's on their minds. When everything in the director's head is successfully delivered to the audience, that makes it a great film," said Pritagita Arianegara, a female Film Director. She first started her career in the industry by working as a script continuity supervisor. After 12 years in the industry, she got her first chance of being a film director, gaining experience from living in remote Indonesian areas to do research to doing a movie project located in the seas. Throughout her career, she have no regrets of getting involved in the film industry.
Rendy Diopasca (@rendydiopascaa) works as a partner engagement coordinator at Traveloka Eats. Every day, he always finds new challenges in carrying out his profession that requires skills such as engaging communication and critical thinking for processing data, two expertise that contrast. Rendy, who has an educational background different from his current profession, admits that finding our purpose and passion is the most important thing to find the right career. Listen to Rendy's passion discovery journey exclusively here!
Ever wonder what the job of a social and community service manager is like? Then listen to Fardhan Zaka Ramzy's story of working for Tokopedia. Fardhan explains his working environment and context as being both enjoyable and a challenge, even for somebody who has always enjoyed storytelling and being surrounded by people.
"Before we start helping others in need, we need to make sure that we already know how to help ourselves. So when we help people, we are fully available for them," said Lady Noor Chita on what mental health enthusiasts should do if they want to make a career in the industry. Chita is a Social & Community Service Manager and co-founder at She met her partner, Arif, while pursuing her study in psychology and decided that they want to improve mental health services in Indonesia through They offer many points of difference compared to conventional counseling, one of them being online counseling--making mental health services more accessible to people.