Have you ever wondered who keeps all the historical figures and statues on the museum save and organized? Museum Conservationists are responsible to restore, maintain or prepare objects in museum collections for storage, research, or exhibit. People of this profession also work with specimens such as fossils, skeletal parts, or botanicals; or artifacts, textiles, or art. They may identify and record objects as well as install and arrange them in exhibits. If you are interested in history or museum preservation, this job is definitely for you.
Museum Conservator's Stories

Baninka Azhim Askari (@azhimenteur), better known as Azhim, is a museum conservator working for the most known museums in Indonesia and does his job through the motive of educating and informing the public face of Indonesia and, especially the next generations to come, of what Indonesia's history and culture represent and narrate. His daily routine consists of planning and curating special displays for Museum Nasional Indonesia and educating everybody of its importance. Continue here to know more about his story!
Explore Other Doer (Realistic) Professions

Nick & Ali, the owner of Cold Moo is sharing their personal journey and strugle in facing new environment and facing pressures in doing what they love and passionate about which is to make the most delicious and mouth watering cookies and ice creams. Get to know how they turned their challenges in the pastry and ice cream industry into one of the most sought after ice cream spot in South Jakarta.